Saturday, May 30, 2009

Updated Snack Rotation

I will try to send out reminder emails, because this system hasn't worked very well. lol

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Update on Missionary

Sorry guys that I didn't have the paper for the missionary update at the other meeting. Here is part of their update:

"Political turmoil, cummunal hatred, religious tensions, killing of innocent people and anti-christian elements' attack against Christians are on the rise in India with anti-conversion laws and reconversion from Christian to Hindu. ... All the Christains are fearful for their children and families. In some Indian states, Christian believers and workers are in hiding... churches and charities have been burned. Hindu fundamentalist groups are pressing the people to resist the spread of the gospel. They use indimidating threats... India is going to have her parliament election in the middle of 2009. It seems that this kind of Christian persecution will help to elect the pro-radical Hindu party called BJP...

"In spite of all this, God has been good and we are able to have some film and open air meetings... possibility of presenting gospel message through local commercial TV... a Christian man is willing to tape program for minimal expense...

"We are very happy to report that the Lord has provided and we have finished the (orphanage) bathrooms. The children are happy because now there are enough bathrooms and they no longer need to go to the woods!"

Taken from George and Jolly Oommen's news report. Open Air Campaigners India Director.

Monday, May 4, 2009