Saturday, August 15, 2009

Did some updating

Updated the schedule for just next week, and the dessert rotation for the next two weeks, but left the order so we all know approximately when we are up for snack/dessert next.

Look forward to seeing everyone next week!

Monday, August 3, 2009


We had a blast at the farm! It would be great to do this again, as our feast or in addition. What about August 30 or September 13?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

FEAST on Sunday at the Farm

We'll be heading out to the farm early on Sunday for a Feast/Fellowship extravaganza!!!!! Hope everyone can make it!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Anyone Out there?!?!?!

Yes, it is time, my friends, to come back to group!!!!! We are meeting this friday, July 31st, at the Goetz home. Please try to come early/on time for fellowship, as it has been so long since we connected. We will be covering lesson 10. We will start with a brief summary of our time in Italy at 8 and get into the study at 8:20. We'll take care of snacks for that night. We're really excited to see everyone and hope all of you can make it!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sister's wedding

I am planning a train trip with the kiddos for my sister Joelle's wedding in Oregon. I plan to secure our reservation tomorrow, so pray that God will make our plans clear. I also am trying to determine lodging plans, while setting healthy boundaries but not unnecessarily hurting my mom. I am very excited about my sister's upcoming marriage. I hope we can be a good support to her as we visit.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Revised snack rotation

Considering all the missed group, I revised the snack rotation.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 3/4

Are we having group this Friday?

Anyone want to go downtown for fireworks on the 4th?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My niece has the H1N1 flu

If you could say a prayer for my niece Rachel, an the rest of my older sister Annie's family, that would be great.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bon Voyage

Praying that the Goetz family arrives safely and with little drama to Italy. Hope this trip is amazing for them.

Friday, June 5, 2009

At the Marshall's Tonight

The schedule is in the process of being officially updated, but just wanted to let everyone know that Shepherd Group is at the Marshall's tonight. See you there!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Marquiss clan request

This time it's for big Henry....last night he had an emergency appendectomy. He got out of surgery around 11:15 last night and is at Reston Hospital. His mom and Jacqueline Guyere were able to spell Leighann last night so that she could be there for him. They are very thankful that this was this week and not in 2 weeks when Ryan goes into the hospital! Just pray for what stability they can have and that Ryan is not too anxious with it all!


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Updated Snack Rotation

I will try to send out reminder emails, because this system hasn't worked very well. lol

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Update on Missionary

Sorry guys that I didn't have the paper for the missionary update at the other meeting. Here is part of their update:

"Political turmoil, cummunal hatred, religious tensions, killing of innocent people and anti-christian elements' attack against Christians are on the rise in India with anti-conversion laws and reconversion from Christian to Hindu. ... All the Christains are fearful for their children and families. In some Indian states, Christian believers and workers are in hiding... churches and charities have been burned. Hindu fundamentalist groups are pressing the people to resist the spread of the gospel. They use indimidating threats... India is going to have her parliament election in the middle of 2009. It seems that this kind of Christian persecution will help to elect the pro-radical Hindu party called BJP...

"In spite of all this, God has been good and we are able to have some film and open air meetings... possibility of presenting gospel message through local commercial TV... a Christian man is willing to tape program for minimal expense...

"We are very happy to report that the Lord has provided and we have finished the (orphanage) bathrooms. The children are happy because now there are enough bathrooms and they no longer need to go to the woods!"

Taken from George and Jolly Oommen's news report. Open Air Campaigners India Director.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009


Praise that Ryan looks like he is coming home tommorrow. Whoo hoo!
I have the girls today and they seem super excited. They are very interested in my babies and each have a baby doll that they are carrying around - albeit by the hair.
Can't wait to meet Ryan.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A few requests

Please pray that the Lee's have a safe and fun trip to Florida. Ethan came down with a stomach bug the day before they were to leave, so pray that it was a short bug and that no one else got it. I can't imagine feeling nauseous on a plane!

Also, I just spoke briefly to Leighann, who said they are talking about the possibility of Ryan coming home by the end of next week!!!! Huge praise, but also request for wisdom and preparation if it comes to pass!

Finally, Nathan has thrush(furry, white mouth and gastro tract), Noah has a fever, Kathryn is recovering from a sprained I write it, it seems crazy. Our week has been relatively calm, but just pray that the little people would all feel better soon. 

Hope everyone else is doing really well!!!! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Seriously sick

Horrible sore throat, chills, aches, starting to cough...prayers please.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Prayer Request

Hope everyone is off to a good week. Just a quick prayer request. Some of you know this, some don't so if its repetitive, I apologize. My mother has Huntington's Disease which is a genetic neurodegenerative disease. Its basically the worst parts of Alzheimers and Parkinsons combined and its hereditary. My family is still getting used to the changes that are taking place with my mom and she will be coming to visit me on Thursday for about two weeks. Prayers for her safety and for patience for me please. I won't be able to make it Friday because my mom can't watch Connor, nor does she understand why we would have to get a babysitter, which breaks my heart obviously. Have fun on Friday and we'll see you all soon.



Need a confirmation of who is coming to the service project this Friday. I need to tell them names today.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Date for May Feast

Hey, guys.

The Goetz's would like to host a feast next month. Please indicate which Sunday afternoons you are free/unavailable. I've listed the dates as well as known RBC activities below.

5/3 Marriage Conference (5/1-2), Awana Awards Ceremony (5/3, 4:30pm)
5/10 Jea and Ed out
5/17 Luncheon for Sunday School Volunteers (12:30pm)
5/24 Memorial Day Weekend

You guys rock

Hey guys...sorry to miss you all last night, but a huge thanks in the prayer area! Nathan slept from 10 until 3:30 and then went right back until 6:45!!! It was awesome!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

As many of you know my blood bleeds Orange & Maroon

Today marks the 2nd anniversary of the shooting at VT and the 32 lives lost that day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Update on Ryan

Hey all - ryan did it again! The cath procedure was a success and his blood is flowing well again. They were also able to check out the shunt they put in previously and it looks great. He is back in his room (still sedated) and Leighann said his coloring has already greatly improved. The prayer now would be that the membrane doesn't grow quickly and they would be able to put off  doing anything with it until the surgery. Praise God

Please pray...

Emergency Cath - Ryan took a turn for the worst last night and is headed to the cath lab within the hour. Please pray everything goes well and his whole body will not suffer due to different protocols necessary for a cath procedure. If this doesn't work, I'm guessing they will recommend surgery. There is a buzz in his room - they are obviously concerned about his current condition.


Service Project

Can I get a tally for who is wanting and able to come to do the service project on the 24th.
So far, I am gathering that Maggie, Chara and Chris, Katie and Kevin and Chad. And I know that the Lees are out.
They need to have names by the 21st. They only allow families to come based on the number of committed volunteers.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Ryan update again

Hey guys...Leighann and Henry have updated the blog with more info, but their prayer requests for this week are:
Here are the biggest prayer requests for this week:
~ The cath procedure goes as planned 
~ Ryan will wean quickly off the ventilator after his cath
~ It will be clear Ryan has no more issues he shouldn't come home with
~ Ryan will learn to suck and swallow to be able to feed by mouth

Checking in/Ryan update

Hey everyone....our  visit in Pittsburgh was great. We had some great time with the kids. The traveling was as uneventful as traveling is with 6 kids in one vehicle! Thanks for the prayers. 
I spoke to Leighann this morning and Ryan is still stable and off the ventilator. The doctors have found tissue partially blocking his pulmonary veins(returning the blood from the lungs before is is pumped to the rest of the body). His heart rate has been elevated (to try to compensate for the blockage) and he isn't progressing off the oxygen. Normally, doctors would just go in and cut out the tissue, but the docs would like to wait until the Glen surgery (@ 6 months I think) to do anything more invasive. They are going to try to get it with a catheter and balloon (not so invasive) and see if that works to free his vein up a little bit. Please continue to lift up the little warrior and the doctors for wisdom in proceeding. Thanks guys! How was everyone's Easter?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Welcome Home

Did you make it back ok Chris? How was your week Chara? Glad to have Katie back too!


If you haven't seen Conversations, I recommend going. Only one more night...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Prayers for my friend Jenni

She's been having a lot of medical issues, and when she mentioned them to her doctor he began to ask her a lot of questions related to MS. She went to get blood wok and an extensive MRI done, and got the results back today and it doesn't look so good. She has a lesion on her brain, and inflammation around her central nervous system. In addition to some other things she is reading, she's becoming quite worried, and is questioning why God would do this to her. Please pray for healing, and for her faith and relationship with Jesus to be strengthened.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

updated schedule

Bridge, want to update the calender?
We decided on April 24th for the Service Project. We are doing respite night at Mclean Bible Church. Maybe we can do some carpooling too.
I will be sending out more details as I get them.
Happy Sunday.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Snack rotation up

Ok the snack rotation is live, and I will do my best to remind the snack maker that week, though as we know, sometimes my reminder comes on Friday afternoon. Whoops!

Bridge, you and Jason will be out of town for all of June and July, or are there subtleties to your vacation schedule I'm not catching on to?

And where is group going to be in May? I'm just trying to get a grip on logistics. Because I too love logistics.

Kev sickness

I feel much better today, thanks for praying. Now Maggie will be happy the farm post is not the last note. *smile*

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Goetz's will be a no show at the farm today

If anyone is going out, please have fun. We decided to take an infant out in the rain is not always so fun!!! Enjoy!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Update on Ryan

They took the tube out around noon and as of 2:30, the little warrior was doing good. He looks much better this time around. Henry's mom was with Leighann today and has taken the girls back with her overnight, allowing Leighann and Henry to be with Ryan tonight. Keep fighting, little king!!!!

Prayers for Ryan today

The doctors are going to extubate  him today to see how much stronger he has gotten and if he can sustain life on his own. Please pray for him, for wisdom for the doctors and peace for Henry and Leighann during this. Leighann is down there with Henry's mom. I'll let everyone know how it's going when I hear.  Have a great day in Him!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jamie!

Just sending out a big Happy Birthday to Jamie....

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ephesians at Bible Gateway

Here is a link to listen to or read Ephesians 1.

Ephesians messages by Chuck Swindoll

Here is a link to the message series on the book of Ephesians, entitled, "Becoming a People of Grace." I have appreciated his insights and have found that it has helped me to go more in depth than I would have on my own. Listening is also something I can do while I am multi-tasking. The radio broadcast is daily at 9:30 a.m. on WAVA 105.1.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Got the job!

Now to figure out how to be a working mom again. oh the logistics!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Job interview in the morning

Prayers that it goes well and I say the right things.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ryan has heart surgery in the morning

Hey guys - I sent out an email earlier, but wanted to ask you all to be praying for Ryan, Leighann & Henry and the doctors tonight and tomorrow morning. Ryan is having a shunt put in between the aorta and the pulmonary artery to improve blood flow/oxygenation. Henry updated the blog tonight, so check it out for all the details. They surgery is at 9:30 and should end around noon. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Christine's surgery tomorrow

So my stepmom goes in to the hospital tomorrow to get a double masectomy and a hysterectomy for all the tumors they have found. The prognosis they say is good. After having my uterus cut open, I can't imagine the pain that goes with losing your uterus and having two breasts removed. So please pray for her healing, recovery and that the doctors are wise. I also pray that God can be glorified through this.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Friday Night ???


Are we going to try and hang out or is everyone scared? We were all "pumped up" last week, but no response to Mr. Baker's post? Any suggestions?

Yes, I finally posted.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I see SG Guys Night Out this Friday, woohoo Party Time :)

Having missed this past Friday, what are the plans for this? Has this been discussed yet?
Lord God, thank you for the many blessings you have given us lately. I thank you for the new babies, for our jobs, for Ed's success in his practice, and for our good health. Lord, I ask that you be with all the new parents as they go through both the ordinary trials of new parenthood, like lack of sleep and healing, and through the not so ordinary ones like tandem feedings, and complicated medical situations. May you place your healing hand on everyone in our group, give us all strength and wisdom as parents, and understanding as spouses. Thank you for putting these wonderful people in our lives so that we may encourage one another daily. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What did we miss?

Hey everyone. Just curious if you started Chapter 1?
Any updates?
Baker family is doing great. I am actually getting more sleep having twins than I did prego with twins! Praise God! Luke and Taylor are doing great. Savannah seems to be adjusting great - although I did ship her off to my sister's for the night.
Chad is heading back to work Monday. Last night was our first night where he didn't have to help me with the feedings, so hopefully that continues so he can get a good nights rest.
Hope everyone is doing great.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

New text from Henry

This is the text we received from Henry:
Leighann is ok. Baby is out. Dark hair. Big kid. I could see his heart and stomach. Both are outside chest, but covered with a fine clear skin. Tests are starting. 

Jason is at the store picking up some food/refreshments for them and heading down there. I will post more as the info comes in....keep the prayers up!!!! 

Baby Boy is here

Baby boy arrived shortly after 7:30am. Henry saw him for a few seconds before he was wisked away to his OR for the initial covering of the heart. LeighAnn was getting sewn up and that's all we got for now. Praise God the baby is in his own OR and continue to lift him up to our Father this morning as the tests and assessments begin. The verse I am praying strongly for LeighAnn and Henry is "Be still and know that I am God"...that in all this chaos, they can fully rely and trust in Him. Ill let you know the updates as I receive them.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lord God, I come before you to ask that you be with Leighann, Henry and the new baby boy tomorrow. May you give the doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff wisdom, clarity, and the information they need to provide Leighann and the baby the best care possible. Lord, please let the best case scenario be the order of the day tomorrow. Provide Leighann and Henry the peace they need. Rid them of anxious thoughts. Let them cast all of their worries onto you, because you are strong enough to carry all of our burdens. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Kim is traveling to Geneva

He is on the plane now and will be gone until next Saturday. If you could pray for safe travel, and that I would be able to keep things together at home, that would be great.

Thanks for the updates Bridge. Heather is now open for visitors

I still am not sure when Heather gets to come home. Our prayers are for Heather to continue to heal. She really had a rough go of it yesterday with the pain but we seem to have caught up now. Also please pray for the adjustment with Savannah. She has really had a rough go of it thus far. She was really good with the kids just does not like being away from mom. See you all soon.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Baker Babies are Here!!!!

Just got the email from Chad:
Kids are here, healthy and big:)
Heather is in recovery.
Now pray for rest and continued peaceful transition.

YEAH!!!!!! Baker clan is officially 5!
Congrats guys!!!

Correction - Baker Babies coming TONIGHT!!!!

Luke and Taylor decided to let their mom off the hook by about 12 hours. Heather went in for her checkup today and they decided to keep her, as the contractions were coming about 2-3 minutes apart. The twins will be arriving sometime between 5 and 6 this evening. Please be praying for a smooth and safe delivery and recovery for Heather and health for the babies. Also, please be lifting up Heather's sister who is watching Savannah. I'll update you guys when they are here!!!

Baker babies are scheduled to arrive tomorrow morning at approx. 7:30am

Heather is actually going to go the distance which I still cannot believe. Pictures to come shortly thereafter.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

It's a boy!

It's official. The Goetz clan is now 8. Bridget and Jason had a baby BOY after a long labor. He weighed in at a healthy 9 lbs! No name yet, so let's pray that baby boy will be healthy, that Bridget would have a smooth recovery, and for Bridget and Jason as they decide on a name. down, two to go... or three to go if you're counting babies  :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bridget and Jason are heading in

Just got a tm from Jason that he and Bridget are heading to Fairfax Hospital. Let's keep praying for them.

Are we still going to have group on the 27th

That's the first day of the women's retreat.

Heather are you there?

I can't believe you are still holding on!!!!! Keep on chuggin', sister!!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

See you tonight

Barring labor (which would not be a bad thing at this point), we are really looking forward to seeing you guys tonight and having some great fellowship. I pray that each of you is having a great day and getting some time in the word and in prayer!!! It's so energizing! 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Back from the job fair

They weren't offering jobs today, but IU got a really good vibe from the interviewer. The facility is very nice, and the CNA to patient ratios aren't insane. I think she said I might hear tomorrow, but she said if i don't hear anything, keep calling because new positions open up all the time. The shifts would be ideal (8 hours not 12), and it's right by the library in Reston, so it's close too.

Please pray for a job, this would be ideal for us!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Going to a job fair on Thursday

Please pray it will involve me walking out the door of the job fair employed. That would be awesome.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jason did you just blow your roof off?

That was some well timed touchdown with 35 seconds left!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Homework for Friday 6th

Homework for next week:
1. Read entire book of Ephesians.
2. Answer for yourself and talk about with your spouse:
     MEN: 1. In what way have I made my wife a priority?
                 2. What one thing could I do better?
     WOMEN:  1. In what way have I submitted to my husband?
                         2. What one thing could I do better?

REMINDER: Men are to answer their questions and women theirs and discuss them with your spouse - do not answer for each other!!!

Superbowl Party

Hey everyone...It was great to see you all tonight and we're looking forward to celebrating the Steeler's victory on Sunday with everyone.

Ed mentioned they will have pizza and chips, 
Kevin mentioned he/Katie will bring soda and ice cream
Goetz's will bring chicken wings
Please post your comments to let Jea/others know what you are bringing.

Go Steelers!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jason travels on Wed and Thurs

Just a request for traveling mercies for J, who will be traveling to the midwest tomorrow and thursday ( and that the kids aren't too crazy for me and no labor!!!!)

Hope everyone is enjoying the snow day...we'll be out there soon!


Monday, January 26, 2009

Leighann And Henry at Children's

Hey guys...LeighAnn and Henry have an appointment down at Children's today for an ECHO and meeting with the doctor team for the c-section, as well as a tour of the NICU, etc. Please be lifting them up and pray for peace, clarity and wisdom as the days are counting down to the arrival of baby boy and a lot of decisions. 

Friday, January 23, 2009


We are looking forward to seeing most of you tonight. I'm praying that God has prepared our hearts to receive wisdom and encouragement! Have a great day praising Him!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I passed the exam!

I just checked and I have a license number!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Chad Passed!

Praise God! Chad passed his exam!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Kim is fine

They concluded it was simply a migraine, so he is taking it easy today. Maggie took her test and feels really good about it. She will find out next week, so two big praises from them.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cam and Anika

These are our neighbors we've been praying for; that they'd come to know the Lord. well, the short story is that they are coming to Spiritual Emphasis Weekend with Paul Tripp next weekend. I'm so thrilled that they said yes (after first saying no). Pls pray God would speak to them in a very personal and penetrating way. Thank you

Prayer for Kim

Hey all, 
I just spoke with Maggie, who is in the ER with Kim. He had double vision this morning and went to the neurologist. He wanted some tests run, which couldn't be squeezed in until tomorrow by appointment, so they were sent to the ER. Maggie asks for  prayer that it wouldn't be another stroke or thickening of passages and that all is well. Please lift Kim up this evening. Also,  lift up Maggie and the kids as they try deal this evening. Finally, tomorrow is supposed to be Maggie's big test, so please pray for peace for her.

Thanks guys!

Monday, January 12, 2009


After speaking to my supervisor, I was told that I didn't have to do the depostion since it wasn't a judges subpeana but the lawyer's. I called my client today to tell her I wasn't going to do it and before I said anything she told me it was ok and that she understood. So praise I am off the hook and don't have to go through that craziness. YEAH! So I am officially a stay at home mom now.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Where'd everybody go.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday and catching up. Does anyone have prayer requests between now and then?

Our family is doing well and getting back into the swing of things. Henry is battling some sort of allergies or cold or both and could use some prayer. Also, I know Bridget has been talking to Jess who is grieving the loss of her mother. If you think about it, please lift up Jess and her family in your prayers. I cannot imagine losing my mother at such a young age (nor at my age for that matter).