Friday, January 30, 2009

Homework for Friday 6th

Homework for next week:
1. Read entire book of Ephesians.
2. Answer for yourself and talk about with your spouse:
     MEN: 1. In what way have I made my wife a priority?
                 2. What one thing could I do better?
     WOMEN:  1. In what way have I submitted to my husband?
                         2. What one thing could I do better?

REMINDER: Men are to answer their questions and women theirs and discuss them with your spouse - do not answer for each other!!!

Superbowl Party

Hey everyone...It was great to see you all tonight and we're looking forward to celebrating the Steeler's victory on Sunday with everyone.

Ed mentioned they will have pizza and chips, 
Kevin mentioned he/Katie will bring soda and ice cream
Goetz's will bring chicken wings
Please post your comments to let Jea/others know what you are bringing.

Go Steelers!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jason travels on Wed and Thurs

Just a request for traveling mercies for J, who will be traveling to the midwest tomorrow and thursday ( and that the kids aren't too crazy for me and no labor!!!!)

Hope everyone is enjoying the snow day...we'll be out there soon!


Monday, January 26, 2009

Leighann And Henry at Children's

Hey guys...LeighAnn and Henry have an appointment down at Children's today for an ECHO and meeting with the doctor team for the c-section, as well as a tour of the NICU, etc. Please be lifting them up and pray for peace, clarity and wisdom as the days are counting down to the arrival of baby boy and a lot of decisions. 

Friday, January 23, 2009


We are looking forward to seeing most of you tonight. I'm praying that God has prepared our hearts to receive wisdom and encouragement! Have a great day praising Him!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I passed the exam!

I just checked and I have a license number!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Chad Passed!

Praise God! Chad passed his exam!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Kim is fine

They concluded it was simply a migraine, so he is taking it easy today. Maggie took her test and feels really good about it. She will find out next week, so two big praises from them.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cam and Anika

These are our neighbors we've been praying for; that they'd come to know the Lord. well, the short story is that they are coming to Spiritual Emphasis Weekend with Paul Tripp next weekend. I'm so thrilled that they said yes (after first saying no). Pls pray God would speak to them in a very personal and penetrating way. Thank you

Prayer for Kim

Hey all, 
I just spoke with Maggie, who is in the ER with Kim. He had double vision this morning and went to the neurologist. He wanted some tests run, which couldn't be squeezed in until tomorrow by appointment, so they were sent to the ER. Maggie asks for  prayer that it wouldn't be another stroke or thickening of passages and that all is well. Please lift Kim up this evening. Also,  lift up Maggie and the kids as they try deal this evening. Finally, tomorrow is supposed to be Maggie's big test, so please pray for peace for her.

Thanks guys!

Monday, January 12, 2009


After speaking to my supervisor, I was told that I didn't have to do the depostion since it wasn't a judges subpeana but the lawyer's. I called my client today to tell her I wasn't going to do it and before I said anything she told me it was ok and that she understood. So praise I am off the hook and don't have to go through that craziness. YEAH! So I am officially a stay at home mom now.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Where'd everybody go.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday and catching up. Does anyone have prayer requests between now and then?

Our family is doing well and getting back into the swing of things. Henry is battling some sort of allergies or cold or both and could use some prayer. Also, I know Bridget has been talking to Jess who is grieving the loss of her mother. If you think about it, please lift up Jess and her family in your prayers. I cannot imagine losing my mother at such a young age (nor at my age for that matter).